
Francis X. Palmieri, MSW

according to frank
at risk assessment
conflict resolution
addiction model
personal coaching
about me

Designed &  Maintained By:

Personal Coaching


Why a COACH? 

One of the most notable characteristics of both our business and personal relationships is that so many of them are short-lived.  We do not have the time to develop or maintain the type of relationships our parents or grandparents did; nor do we have the environment which would lend itself to that endeavor.  For the most part, in this highly charged, highly mobile society, we are confronted with the need to re-define or establish ourselves and re-present our history of accomplishments.  For many, this is a daunting task that we are ill-equipped to meet.  The role of the personal coach (or “life coach” or “mentor”) is to assist clarifying and defining these decisions and to guide the individual through confusing or difficult situations.

Why ME?

As you can see by the brief history presented this website, I have had a variety of educational, employment, and personal experiences which I draw from to assist my clients in the decision-making or change process.  I have been a successful manager in both the food service and health care industries, and have provided management and leadership training for business and educational organizations. My clinical training and expertise have enhanced my ability to identify, define, and focus attention on critical areas, and communicate this attention in an effective manner.

What’s The PROCESS?

The first step is a simple telephone call.  We will arrange a free 30 minute session, either face-to-face or by telephone to identify the specific issues and determine the viability of entering into a coach-client relationship.  At the close of that session, we will establish a coaching agreement that will include type and length of sessions, rates, and payment method. In general, we will speak either face-to-face or via telephone once per week, for one-half hour, and will identify specific techniques and set goals to enable change or resolve specific issues.

How Do You START? 

Simply call me at (904) 399-1818ex7 or email me at fxpmsw@fxpmsw.com to express your interest. I hope to hear from you!


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